Thursday, March 4, 2010

- Comment from Nurshazana -

How are you..?
Here, I want to share my experience with all of you..
This semester I have learned one subject that give me a lot of knowledge about technology named Instructional Technology..
This subject teach me how to use Microsoft Office Excel, Adobe Photoshop and Movie Maker.
Before this, I don't know what the function of Microsoft Office Excel but now I know about it and I am very happy because I can use this sofware by myself eventhough it is quite difficult when I use it for the first time.
Besides that, this sofware also can help me when I become a teacher soon. It can be used in order to count student's mark and prepare quizzes like crossword puzzle. For me, Adobe Photoshop sofware is very interesting because one of the task that I have learned from this sofware is how to make old damaged picture become more better. So, I can use this sofware to repair my family's old damaged pictures.
In addition, I also can make my own poster using this sofware. I am very happy when I see my poster eventhough it is not very beautiful...
One more task that I have learned from Instructional Technology is how to make movie using movie maker sofware.
Now, I can make a simple movie but I still learn to make my movie become more interesting. I also can make movie for my wedding later.......heheheehehe..
What I can say here is Instructional Technology is very fun and interesting...
I think that's all from me for now...
have a nice day.....(*-*)(^_*)

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