Thursday, March 4, 2010

-comment form Nurul Shazwanie-

Assalamualaikum.....may Allah bless you...

Actually I take this opportunity to write here in this page, to share with all of you about what I have learned in Instructional Technology subject....I have learned this subject almost 4 month..and there are many benefit that I got from it....Actually this blog is one of the tasks that given to my, it clearly showed that this subject make me able to create this blog.....although this is just a basic blog, but i satisfied with what I have done.....Before this I just open my friends blog, but now I have my own is very interesting subject...Besides, this subject also taught me how to use microsoft office excel. It is very suit with me as a future teacher, because in the future I have to culculate marks of the students...the amount of them of course so many....but using excel I can culculate it very faster without wrong culculation....Because it provided us Mathematic formula and just a click we will get the answer...this is amazing microsoft I think...=)..Besides, in this subject I have learned about Adobe Photoshop software....through that i knew how to create banner, poster, and edit picture...This software give us chance to develop ourselves because, before this I just make an order from such shop if I need it because I dont't know how to make it, but now i'm able to do that, to create banner and poster, even it is just a simple banner or poster, but i satisfied if that is my job.......I also learned how to edit an old damage picture become new picture, so with this knowledge, no need for me to worry if my lovely old picture like my picture during baby with the knowledge that I have, I will edit and repair it trough this software... Other than that there is one more interesting thing in this subject, that is about microsoft movie maker...It make me able to combine my special moment picture become an interesting movie...which is include with song..and make it more attractive and interesting to see...i'm very interesting with this field actually, and if I have a chance, one day I want to develop my knowledge in this field and if there have sustenance from Allah, InsyaAllah i will make a business which is relate with this field such as banner and poster design shop may be....(^_^)....

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